The City of Tulare retained Peters Engineering Group to provide design services for new sewer, water, storm drain, irrigation district pipeline, concrete ramps, median island, landscape and irrigation, undergrounding of overhead utilities, and AC pavement improvements for the reconstruction and widening of Cartmill Avenue from Akers Street near SR 99 interchange to Mooney Boulevard (SR 63), one mile east of Hillman Street. The widening of Cartmill Avenue required right of way acquisition from 7 different property owners to accommodate the new improvements. It will provide three travel lanes of traffic from SR 99 through Rutherford and Hillman, two major streets accessing the Tulare Outlet Center and new housing development projects east of Hillman. Master plan sewer, water, and storm drain improvements were constructed. The City used a traditional HMA/Class II Aggregate Base for the pavement section designed for arterial standards. Four of the intersections required either a new signal or modification to the existing signal infrastructure. Construction started in April 2019 and was completed in fall of 2020.